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Poland's 'For Ukraine' scientific program launches its fourth call for applications

27.04.2024 18:47
The annual program, run by the Foundation for Polish Science FNP, will provide funding in the amount of EUR 62,250 for viable and highest rated Polish-Ukrainian scientific project.
Illustration Image
Illustration Imagefot. Urcomunicacion / Wikimedia Commons

The call for applications is addressed to scientists from Poland and Ukraine. Funding can be obtained for joint Polish-Ukrainian research in the field of humanities and social sciences - covering issues related to the development of civil society, democracy and security.

Program coordinator at the Foundation for Polish Science FNP, Sofia Zovtseva, reminds that projects submitted to the competition must concern issues important to both Poland and Ukraine - and must be implemented within two-person Polish-Ukrainian research teams.

Applicants must have a PhD degree obtained no more than 12 years before submitting the application. The Ukrainian team member must also be currently employed at the Ukrainian institute involved in the project - and reside in Ukraine, conducting research there - Zovtseva explained.

A grant application on behalf of the Polish-Ukrainian team, shall be submitted by a scientist working in Poland, together with the institution that will implement the project on the Polish side. Applications are accepted until June 3, 2024 - and all information can be found at the program's website: fnp.org.pl


Source: IAR